Publications & Research Projects
Full list of publications available via Academia.edu, ResearchGate and Surrey. Below are some selected highlights.
Euroscepticism/Brexit/UK-EU relations
S. Usherwood, "‘Our European Friends and Partners’? Negotiating the Trade and Cooperation Agreement", Journal of Common Market Studies Annual Review, 2021.
S. Usherwood, “Shooting the fox? UKIP’s populism in the post-Brexit era”, West European Politics, 2019, Vol.42-6, 1209-1229.
S. Usherwood, “The third era of British euroscepticism: Brexit as a paradigm shift”, The Political Quarterly, 2018, Vol.89-4, 552-559.
S. Usherwood & K. Wright, “Sticks and stones: Comparing Twitter campaigning strategies in the EU referendum”, British Journal of Politics and International Relations Vol. 19-2 (2017) 371-388.
S. Usherwood & N. Startin, “Euroscepticism as a persistent phenomenon”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.51-1, pp.1-16. Lead article for Special Issue, January 2013 on “Confronting Euroscepticism” (S. Usherwood, N. Startin & S. Guerra (eds.)).
N. Startin, S. Usherwood & B. Leruth (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism, Routledge (2017).
S. Usherwood, “Modelling Transnational and Pan-European Euroscepticism” in J. FitzGibbon, B. Leruth, N. Startin (eds.) Euroscepticism as a Transnational and Pan-European Phenomenon: The emergence of a new sphere of opposition, Routledge (2016), pp.14-27.
S. Usherwood, “The UK Independence Party: The dimensions of mainstreaming” in T. Akkerman, M. Rooduijn, S. de Lange (eds.) Up to the Mainstream? The Radical Right in Western-Europe, Routledge (2016), pp.247-267.
S. Usherwood, “Britain and Europe: a model of permanent crisis?”, in K. Demetriou (ed.) The European Union in Crisis: Explorations in Representation and Democratic Legitimacy, Springer Verlag, (2014), pp.3-14.
S. Usherwood, ‘The dilemmas of a single-issue party: The UK Independence Party’, in Representation, Vol. 44-3, 2008, pp.255-264
S. Usherwood, ‘Proximate factors in the mobilisation of anti-EU groups in France and the UK: the European Union as first-order politics’, in Journal of European Integration, 29-1 (2006), 3-21.
S. Usherwood, ‘Opposition to the European Union in the UK: The dilemma of public opinion and party management’, Government and Opposition, 37-2 (2002), 211-230.
European Union
S. Usherwood & J. Pinder, The European Union: A Very Short Introduction, 4th ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford (2018).
S. Usherwood (ed.), European Union, Routledge, Abingdon (2011). Editor and original introduction to 5 volume collection on state-of-the-art in research on the European Union.
Learning & Teaching
D. Duchatelet, P. Bursens, S. Usherwood & M. Oberle, “Beyond descriptions and good practices: empirical effects on students' learning outcomes of active learning environments in political science curricula”, European Political Science, 2020, 19, 327-335.
S. Usherwood, “Grundlagenbildung für Simulationen: Herausforderungen und Chancen”, in W. Muno, A. Niemann & P. Guasti (eds.) Europa spielerisch erlernen: Didaktische Überlegungen und Praxisbeispiele zu EU-Simulationen, Springer (2018), 23-36.
S. Usherwood, “Assessment strategies in simulation games” in P.Bursens, D. Gijbels, V. Donche & P. Spooren (eds.) Simulations of decision-making in political science, Springer (2018), 109-118.
S. Usherwood, “Building resources for simulations: Challenges and opportunities” European Political Science, Vol. 14 (2015), 218-227.
V. Asal, C. Raymond & S. Usherwood, “War, peace and everything in between: simulations in international relations”, in J. Ishiyama, E. Simon & W.Miller (eds.) Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations, Edward Elgar (2014), pp.304-314.
S. Usherwood, "Constructing Effective Simulations of the European Union for Teaching" European Political Science, Vol. 13-1 (2014) pp.53-60.
C. Raymond & S. Usherwood, “Assessment in Simulations”, Journal of Political Science Education, 2013, Vol. 9-2, 157-167.
Research Projects
Deputy Director, "UK in a Changing Europe", ESRC, 2017-19.
Research Investigator, 'Negotiating Brexit', "UK in a Changing Europe" Brexit Priority Grant, ESRC, 2017-18.
Senior Fellow, "UK in a Changing Europe" programme, ESRC, 2016.
Co-investigator on INOTLES "Innovating Teaching and Learning of European Studies", TEMPUS-funded project, 2014-2016.
English (mother tongue)
French (proficient)
German (passable)
Dutch (basic)
2010 - present
2010 - present
Professor, School of Social Sciences & Global Studies, Open University
Current position (2021-)
Teaching and research active position.
Professor, School of Politics, University of Surrey
(Lecturer (2003-9); Senior Lecturer (2009-16); Reader (2016-19); Professor (2019-21))
Teaching and research active position. Supervision of PhD and Masters dissertation students. Director of Research and REF 2019 UoA Lead.
Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, University of Surrey
2013- 15
Supervision and oversight of all undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes in the Faculty. Work includes both quality enhancement and quality assurance roles. Representative of the Faculty on University committees.
Centre for Educational & Academic Development Faculty Scholar, University of Surrey
2010 - 12
Part-time position to promote and develop learning & teaching in the Faculty and University.
Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice, University of Surrey
PhD in European Politics, European Institute, London School of Economics
Thesis title: "Beyond Party Politics: Opposition to the European Union in France and the UK, 1985-1999."
Diplôme d’Etudes Politiques et Administratives Européennes Approfondies, College of Europe
Class “Very Good” (16.5/20). Thesis: "The Rhetoric & Reality of the British Discourse on Economic & Monetary Union."
BA Hons. in Modern European Studies (German), University College London
Professional Activities
Professional affiliations: UACES (since 1999); Political Studies Association (since 2004); Higher Education Academy (Fellow since 2007, National Teaching Fellow since 2015).
Chair of University Association for Contemporary European Studies’ (UACES), 2021-24; Treasurer, 2016-19; Member of Executive Committee, 2006-9, 2012-2015.
Co-founder & Organiser of UACES Collaborative Research Network on Euroscepticism since 2011.
Member of the Editorial Board of Journal for Contemporary European Studies since 2014.
Winner Political Studies Association's Sir Bernard Crick Prize for Outstanding Teaching 2012.
Numerous invited talks on both euroscepticism and learning & teaching, to academic and professional audiences.
External examiner:
Postgraduate European Politics programmes, London School of Economics, 2018-2021.
Undergraduate Politics programmes, University of Kent, 2013-16.
Undergraduate and postgraduate European Studies programmes, King’s College London, 2006-9.
Undergraduate Area Studies programmes, University of West of England, 2009-11.